Thursday, October 11, 2012

Eye makeup remover MAGIC!

Dear Universe,
There's GOTSTA be some sort of alternative to paying $15 for a bottle of waterproof eye makeup remover at the local Duane Reade, much more buck dollars if at a department store. Please stop shafting us and reveal wtf is the cheap, natural, just-as-effective solution.

Dear Reader,
BLAHAHAhahahahahablerpBURP! I totes got you for a really long time with that one. You've spent, like, a college education on taking your mascara off. Hello!??! EDIBLE OIL. (i.e. not baby or Valvoline). No, not the kind you get from the shops in the West Village - the kind you pour on salads and other wholesome foods. Olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, apricot kernel oil. You've probably got at least one of them on hand so start multi-purposing.
I keep mine in a tiny lidded container in the bathroom medicine cabinet and a single dab of my finger rubs that enchantment right off.

Less chemicals on my skin. Less dollahs US currency towards lingerie for the CEO's mistress.

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