Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WELLnessdom: Let's try and do our best (at least sometimes)

I care about the Earth and our personal health. I care that a lot of food is genetically modified, that human starvation exists when it doesn't need to, that we're putting poison on our skin just by using any one of a thousand "beauty care" products. I care that people turn more readily and steadily to the pharmaceutical industry instead of looking at natural alternatives and that the cesarean rate in the U.S. hovers around 30%. I care about all of these things and also realize I'm just one person and I can only do what one person can: my best.

I'm not die-hard anything. I recognize the value of both traditional and modern medicine. I'm vegetarian and raising my children as such but my husband's a big ol' meat machine and I recognize the deliciousness factor of a well-spiced, grilled pork chop or juicy hamburger. I try and juice some combination of fruits and vegetables daily but also really enjoy cheese and baked goods and other controversial treats full of dairy and gluten. I'm fascinated to see my hair starting to gray and enjoy a relaxing makeup-free day but also regularly get bikini waxes and pedicures. I buy organic & local when it's available yet am guilty of sometimes not recycling as much as I should. I pick up garbage off the street but will fill my child's bath up to the top. I'm a supporter of attachment parenting but also crave alone time so I can get some sh*t done and replenish my own energies. I planned for an at-home water birth, and then a VBAC, yet was handed a cesarean both times.

Doing my best is a constant struggle. I procrastinate, I'm tired, I'm crabby, I'm overwhelmed. I'm great at some things and horrible at others. I've got a handful of reasons to not always be doing my utmost to live my best life, and yet, I recognize the continuously abundant blessings that steadily encourage me. WELLnessdom is an effort to document my efforts to make a better life for me, my family and my environment. And possibly it will inspire others to just do their best too. WELLcome and thanks for joining me.

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